Business use

Businesses use myTrackee to get more customers

by engaging and satisfying existing customers more

Public Bus Transport

Provide better service than your competitors with real-time locations & live updates, save passenger's time ...

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School/University Bus

Provide better service, happy students, teachers and parents with real-time locations & live updates ...

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Emergency Vehicles

Provide better service to your patients and people in waiting for your help, save time ...

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Sightseeing Bus

Provide better service than your competitors with real-time locations & live updates, save passenger's time ...

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Provide better delivery service to people waiting for their deliveries, with real-time locations & live updates ...

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Tram, Trains, River Cruises and other can use myTrackee to provide better service to their customers ...

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Why myTrackee

Our goal is to takes all complexity away from you and provide a GPS tracking solution at a lower price than building or maintaining your own solution, or using any other solution from market

  • Mobile App

    GPS Tracker

    Search or business or person, and start tracking them, provided they are using myTrackee as well and sharing their locations publicly

  • Mobile App

    Public or Private Tracking

    Share your GPS location with your friends or family members or customers, publicly or privately, in real-time.

Personal Uses

Use myTrackee for all your personal GPS tracking needs, securely and safely

Search users and start tracking

Search or business or person, and start tracking them, provided they are using myTrackee as well and sharing their locations publicly.

Track your kids

Setup accounts for your kids, install apps on their mobiles and start tracking them

Share your real-time location
while on holidays

Share your real-time location , for fun or for safety, with you family or friends

Share your and your friend's
real-time location

A group of people can use a same #hashtag id to share realtime location with others

Share your location while
someone waiting for you

In private mode, add other users to share your real-time location privately

Share your real-time location
in emergency

Whether you need help or provide help someone in emergency, use myTrackee to save time and find you easily

Our Pricing






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Share locations From Mobile App, Share your locations in real-time With other users With your customers With your customers With your customers
Search and track others From Mobile App or web, you can search or track others who are sharing locations
Create POIs From Mobile App, you can create POIs
Messaging From Mobile App, you can do mesaging with other users
Send message to eomployees and end users From control panel, you can send messages to your employees/drivers or end users who are tracking them
Create/Mange other users(employees) From control panel, you can create users/accounts for your employees/drivers/etc
Create/Mange users mobile settings From control panel, you can control mobile setting for your users
Create categories for users and pois From control panel, you can categories your users, POIs etc
Create business ids From control panel, you can create business ids for your users to share their location with end customers
Business Support Full support and guidance on how to set up user accounts, create POIs etc
Route highlighting From control panel, you can create routes, to be highlighted on demand when end customers tracking your vehicles/employees
Enterprise Support Business Support, plus, priority base issue handling, personal contact person